By Unassigned on Sunday, 08 June 2008
Category: Blogs

Life Is All About...

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus is confronting the religious practices of the Scribes and Pharisees, who were using public prayers to make themselves look good in front of the people. They were using prayer to further their own glory! But is all about God! As Jesus taught us to pray: “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name...” Jesus taught us that life is all about God and how He relates to us as Creator and Redeemer — we have been placed in this world to bring glory to God!

But how many of us think in those terms? When you wake up in the morning, do you think, God has gifted me a new day — how can I bring glory to Him today? When we make business decisions, when we relate to other people, when we decide on holidays, do we do so conscious of how we may honour and glorify the Name of the LORD? Do we live with a ”God consciousness”?

It is easy to live in terms of our society today — Life is all about ME! I deserve this; I don’t have to put up with this; I have the right to be happy; to be fulfilled; to follow my own star; to make my own mistakes. But that is a myth of the Devil! That was the nonsense he spun to Adam & Eve which got the world in the mess it is in today.

No. Life is all about God, He created us, He deserves all the honour and glory. As the Apostle Paul put it, “So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!”

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