A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. Praise God that the November sessions of “Diploma in Theology” training program by Presbyterian Theological Seminary were held.

2. Vacation Bible School(VBS) program was conducted successfully in Northern Cluster of the field. It was a great program for two days with many activities. Please pray that many non-Christian children who have attended VBS will continue to remember God’s word planted in their hearts.

3. Please pray for the Nakalal Pandey family. They recently lost their daughter who had come to faith and had received baptised. Sadly, the villagers have suggested to the family that she died because she was baptised. So, there is conflict and tension between the Christians and the village leaders. Praise God that the family is strong in faith despite being prevented from being involved in any social gathering of the village in the future. Please pray for this family.

4. Please pray for the planning meeting for 2018 to be held at Vadodara on 14th and 15th of this month. Pray for the guidance of our Lord so that God’s name will be extended and glorified through the work of GOSPEL.

5. Praise God for the newly baptised believers. As many as 68 believers were baptised from Central Gujarat mission field during the last week of October 2017