A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
3 minutes reading time (675 words)

Deo Volente


Merle and I were walking the breakwater at Coffs Harbour jetty last Sunday afternoon.  I was struck by the unusual name of a yacht moored in the marina.  It was named the Deo Volente.  I guess that’s a nice enough a name for a yacht.  Deo Volente has a pleasant ring about it, although I suspect that few today would know what that name means.  I mention this because it especially left me wondering why someone would name their yacht Deo Volente.  You see, Deo Volente is a Latin expression that means ‘God willing’.

So why would someone call their yacht ‘God Willing’?  Well, my imagination took off.  Perhaps the yacht wasn’t exactly in real good sea-going condition when it was bought, so the owner didn’t have a lot of confidence in his purchase.  To get the yacht to its destination might possibly require a little assistance from above.  That would make Deo Volente an appropriate name.  Or perhaps this particular owner was not an experienced yachtsman... a beginner without a lot of confidence in his yachting abilities.  Again, that would make Deo Volente a fitting name for the boat of a rookie yachtsman.

But maybe there is another reason for someone calling their yacht Deo Volente.

In the Bible the apostle James talks about business people who have big plans.  This year they are going to expand their business interstate.  They are talking in terms of doubling their business turnover within the next six months.  Or there is the tech expert who’s planning on selling his product overseas.  He’s arranged an itinerary that includes Singapore in March, Los Angeles in June and London in August.  And the business plans that he’s drawn up show that he’s going to make a killing.  The apostle James says to people like that: “Whoa!  You know, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow morning and that would be the end of your business plans.”

And that’s just where Deo Volente comes into the picture.  James says, “You shouldn’t just say that you are going to expand your business interstate.”  You should say, “If God wills and if I’m alive and well I will expand my business interstate.”  Nor should you just state that you’re going to sell your product in Singapore and London.  You should say, “God willing... I will sell my product in Singapore and London.”

There’s a lesson in that for all of us.  Just listen to the average every-day conversation.  “I’m having my 50th birthday next Friday.”  “I’ll see you next Sunday.”  “I’ll be at the cricket on Saturday!”  No!  Just remember the possibility of that bus.  To make sure we get the point James even adds that our life is but a vapour.  We appear for a little while and then we’re gone.

The apostle James tells us that we’re being arrogant when we don’t add the words Deo Volente to our plans.  We’re assuming that we’re still going to alive for our next birthday or for the cricket on Saturday.  But how rarely do we hear that actually expressed?  God willing... I’ll have my 50th birthday next Friday.”  I’ll see you next Sunday... God willing.”  God willing... I’ll be at the cricket on Saturday.”

When I was growing up it was still quite common to see the letters “DV” in brackets behind everything from wedding announcements to party invitations.  Particularly church announcements would always include the letters DV in brackets – and yes, you guessed it: DV stood for Deo Volente, God willing.

So, back to that yacht moored in the marina at Coffs Harbour!  Maybe there was absolutely nothing wrong with that yacht.  And maybe the yachtsman was a very competent sailor.  Maybe... just maybe he was familiar with the writings of the apostle James and realised that without God he wasn’t going anywhere.  And that’s just as true for you... and just as true for me.  Deo Volente!

John Westendorp

Footnote: A quick Internet search revelealed that there are actually many ships, yachts and barges named 'Deo Volente'.

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