By Unassigned on Sunday, 22 June 2008
Category: Blogs

The Christian and the State (1)

Many years ago now, in a particularly rebellious mood, I stated to some people that democracy is not a Biblically ordained form of government. I remember some shocked looks and some indignant responses, but no one actually took up the challenge to check what the Bible really has to say’  about how nations ought to be governed, or what the relationship of the Christian ought to be to the state.
In various quarters of the Christian Church, there is a view which says Christians must have nothing to do with the world. In its extreme forms you have people who set up exclusive communities which try to shut the world out and live separate and isolated from non-Christian influence. The problem with these communities in my experience is, they almost always eventually end up self imploding because even as they seek to shut the world out, they forget they cannot shut sin out.
Being part of the current possessors of Reformational heritage, we have a distinct history which provides us with a solid theological and ethical foundation which reaches back to Creation itself before the fall and the ordinances God established there for His people. We are to be fruitful and increase in number; fill or replenish the earth; subdue it; rule over the creatures of the earth (Gen. 1:28); work (Gen. 2:15); have a weekly Sabbath (Gen. 2:3); and marry (Gen. 2:18-25). These are our life mandates from the Lord God Almighty. Our view of life as Christians in this world encompasses the entire scope of God's creation. Our world and life view involves seeing ourselves as fallen yet saved by God's grace to be Christians first and foremost before we consider ourselves as male or female, father or mother, brother or sister. We approach our task and place in the family, the church and the workforce as Christians. Our whole approach to life and the dealings we have with the people and our environment is determined by a desire to honour and serve our Lord and our Saviour.
Yes, we are in the world, and this world belongs to God and has been given to us to use for the praise of His glory. No, we are not of the world, for this world is temporary and will be consumed by God before He creates a new world. Not only that, God's kingdom is not of this world.
But, can we ever say that we must have nothing to do with worldly things?
Some will lead us to the book of Revelation and point to chapter 13. There, the two "beasts" are interpreted as representing the state and as something entirely evil and therefore completely opposed to the Christian. The mistaken conclusion is then drawn, that the Christian should have nothing to do with the state.
In a similar approach, there are those who firmly believe a true Christian could never vote for the Labour party. On a reasonably regular basis I run into this particular view. Anyone who might vote Labour is regarded with uncertainty when it comes to their Christian confession. But neither Labour nor Liberal can lay exclusive claim to the allegiance of Christians.
The problem here, and with those who wish to have nothing at all to do with politics, is that there is a confusion and misunderstanding about our place and function in the world. Whatever else we are, in the very first instance we are Christians. We are a people who have been bought at a price - the life of God in Christ Jesus. We are saved sinners who have been commissioned by God to serve in ALL things to His glory and honour. Everything we involve ourselves in after that is to be directed, formed and determined by this foundational fact.
If we wish to segregate ourselves from secular things, and let's face it, who of us doesn't, we will need to exercise patience and wait for the Lord to call us home. In the meantime, our task, set at creation, is to seek to reclaim what we can of this fallen world for the Lord.

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