A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
The purpose of this blog is to raise awareness of local church outreach as a core value of the CRCA, giving attention to relevant issues of CRCA church ethos, collaborate and communicate with local church councils and Classes to mobilise church members toward effective outreach and sharing of the good news of Jesus, taking care to understand...
The purpose of this blog is to raise awareness of local church outreach as a core value of the CRCA, giving attention to relevant issues of CRCA church ethos, collaborate and communicate with local church councils and Classes to mobilise church members toward effective outreach and sharing of the good news of Jesus, taking care to understand and respect each unique local church context, suggest relevant resources (e.g. material from other church contexts, stories and examples of best practise in the CRCA), raise items of prayer, encouraging churches and their members to fervently seek the Lord’s blessing in this work, and do this work with a view to CRCA churches and members effectively reaching the lost for Christ.

Is Your Church Multicultural?

25 Is Your Church Multicultural

I was listening to a Geneva Push podcast earlier this week from their recent Multiply conference. It was a brief interview with Andrew Reid and his wife about their experiences in church planting. Andrew and his wife moved from WA to Melbourne to plant a church many years ago. He shared two challenges he and his wife have experienced in church planting. Firstly, while Melbourne is the fastest growing city in Australia, particular through Chinese immigration, the church is ‘thoroughly unprepared.’ He says, ‘[the church] has not touched the sub-cultures of Melbourne very well for the gospel at all. The challenge is...

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Praying for Gospel Opportunities

24 Praying for Gospel Opportunity1

Scripture: Colossians 4:3-4, ‘At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.’ Observations: Paul commands the Christians in Colossae to continue steadfastly in prayer (v2), and he adds, ‘at the same time, pray also for us.’ If they’re going to be praying regularly, he asks that they also pray for Paul and his team (who he lists in v7-17). And he asks them to...

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Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

23 Reforming the Church

Our vision as a denomination is to be a Church reforming to reach the lost for Christ. This was adopted as our vision by Synod 2006. It’s underneath our name on our official website, and it even has it’s own page on our website: https://crca.org.au/about-the-crca/vision But what does it mean to be a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ? The basic meaning of the word ‘reform’ is to make changes to something in order to improve it. When we use the word ‘reform’ in relation to the church, we aren’t just talking about making our churches run better, but...

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Jesus Prayed With Tears

Blog 22 Praying with Tears

I thought this week I'd share with you my devotion from this morning. I've been going through the New Testament and reflecting on every mention of prayer, as well as the prayers of Jesus and his disciples. I'm currently in the letter to the Hebrews, where it talks about the prayer life of Jesus. I hope you find it encouraging as you bring the lost before God in prayer. Scripture: Hebrews 5:7, ‘In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he...

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Do You Really Believe What You Believe?

21 Do We Really Believe

In my personal devotion this morning I reflected on Jude’s beautiful doxology in Jude 24-25, and I spent some time reflecting on the final word of his letter, ‘Amen.’ We say it at the end of every prayer we ever pray. We say it when we agree with what has been said by others, we give a hearty ‘Amen!’ I say it at the end of my sermons. But amen is a declaration that what is said is true and reliable, that it is sure and certain. It’s saying that we actually believe what has been said. I love Reformed Theology,...

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Praying for Gospel Impact

20 Praying for Gospel Impact

Every year we throw a Christmas Party for our local community. We invite our friends, family and neighbours to come along to an evening of fun, food, and fellowship. The big finale is our carols service. Every musician in our church is on board, we have a guitar, bass, drums, keys, saxophone violin, and flute and three singers. We decorate the hall with tinsel and coloured lights. We have amazing visuals on our screen. We sing all the classic carols and rock them up to the max. We have a kids’ section where we hand our glow sticks. And finally we...

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Why does your church exist?

19 Us and Them

I’m not trying to be all existential by asking that question, but rather practical. What is the purpose of your church, of any church for that matter? How we answer that is incredibly important, and there are many different ways to answer it. You could say we exist to give glory to God, and that’s a very good answer. But then I could ask how do we give God glory! You could say we exist to disciple people, which is very Matthew 28, ‘go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Mt 28:19-20)’...

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A Church Where People Belong

18 Belonging

Our motto as a church is ‘Believe, Belong, Beloved.’ As Reformed Christians we all understand what we mean by believe, after all we have pages and pages (whole books) written about what we believe. In fact, the tradition in our churches is people could only be a part of our church if they believe what we believe – you have to believe before you can belong. But if we are going to reach our contemporary culture with the good news about Jesus that may be one of the most important mind shifts we need to make.   In a post-Christian culture...

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Funding Outreach

17 Funding

We invest in what we think is important. When I was dating my now wife, I’d think nothing of getting her flowers, taking her out for dinner, or buying her jewellery. In fact, I still love spoiling her. She is important to me and she’s worth investing in. Maybe you invest in sports, or holidays, or a particular hobby. If it matters to you, you invest in it. The same is true when it comes to the church. If you looked at your church’s budget, which I’m sure many of you are starting to do, what does it say about what...

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Changing How We Think Has The Potential To Change The Church

16 Mind Shift

I remember listening to Wayne Cordeiro at a Global Leadership Summit talking about the moment that changed his life. He shared how he thought his job as a minister was to take God’s truth and give it to God’s people. But after having a mental breakdown he realized that his job as a minister was to take God’s truth, and put it into his own heart, before giving it to God’s people. God wanted to speak into his life as much as the lives of his congregation. That observation changed how I looked at my personal devotional time and my sermon...

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Making the Gospel Relevant

Blog 15 Relevant

The ability to understand the meaning of words is essential for effective communication. That’s not only true in order to understand different languages, it’s also true when speaking to people of different geographical locations, and even different generations. Here in Australia we talk about our car batteries going flat, but if you said that in America they would wonder if you had driven over your battery. In America batteries go dead, even though they were never alive to begin with! In the same way when we talk about God in our post-Christian culture many people will wonder who we’re talking about....

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Partnering in the Gospel

14 Partnering in the gospel

I don’t mind working alone, but I’m glad that I’m not alone in my work. I like to think of my elders as my partners in the ministry. I like to think of my wife as partnering with me in serving God. In fact, I like to think of my whole congregation as joining with me in the work of the Lord. Actually, the Bible talks about how we get to join God in his work. We don’t work alone. Paul begins his letter to the Church in Philippi with thanksgiving. He says, ‘I thank my God in all my remembrance...

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The Most Missional Thing You Can Do This New Year

Ok, so the title might be a little bit of an over-exaggeration. But, it doesn’t mean this isn’t something worth thinking about. What really is the most missional thing that you and I can do in 2019? By missional I mean how can we get more involved in moving towards others with the good news of Jesus? I often wonder how we, as a church, can best support all the different kinds of people in our community to embrace a missional lifestyle. How can we best equip the university student, the mother of four children, and the full-time accountant to embrace...

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Reaching Out At Christmas

party 1
party 3

  Christmas is a great opportunity to share the gospel. Just about everyone in our society celebrates Christmas, although many don’t really know what it’s all about. At Christmas time we get to share the Good News of God coming into our world in the person of Jesus Christ to save people from their sins (Mt 1:21-23). Every Christmas Westside holds what we call a Christmas Party. It’s based around four simple ideas:  1) Everyone is Invited: We invite our whole community through a letterbox drop (which our members hand deliver), and through signs that we hang up at all the...

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Are we being faithful?

Blog 11 Are we being faithful

I’ve heard it so often, ‘It’s not about church growth, it’s about being faithful!’ Usually, it’s spoken defensively by someone from a church that is struggling. And what they are saying is that God cares most about the faithfulness of his people, and the numerical growth of the church is up to God. And I agree 100%. Paul says ‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. (1 Cor 3:6-7)’ Growth is God’s work. We may be able to grow the church...

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Wearing Jesus Glasses

10 Wearing Jesus Glasses

We have a wii at home, and it has a game where you can jog around an Island. But at the end of the circuit it asks how observant you are. The first question was: What colour was the mushroom? I didn’t even see a mushroom! The second question was: How many dogs did you see? I couldn’t remember seeing any dogs! The third question was: Which character did you see at the finish line? And I remember seeing a character there, but I couldn’t remember which one! My skills of observance were described as ‘dwindling fire!’ The truth is, it’s...

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Being a Glass Half-Full Christian

Blog 9 logo

I’m sure you’ve all the saying ‘He’s a glass half-empty kind of guy,’ or ‘She’s a glass half-full kind of girl.’ It describes how we tend to see the world, either in a negative light, or a positive light. Some people tend to see the problems in life, while other people see opportunities. And the truth is that some of us see our spiritual lives in the same fashion. We see how our country is turning its back on Christianity and biblical principles and it gets us down. We see how our young people are leaving our church and it upsets...

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The Power to Witness

Blog 8 logo

Jesus has risen from the dead! Jesus had conquered death and sin and Satan. Jesus had provided a way for sinners to be reconciled with God Almighty. God’s promises to send the Messiah to redeem his people have been fulfilled. Surely, the whole world needs to hear the good news! And yet Jesus tells them to wait. Jesus ‘ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father. (Act 1:4)’ They couldn’t proclaim the Good News, they couldn’t evangelize, because they didn’t yet have the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells his disciples, ‘you will receive power...

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Is the Light on in your Home?

Blog 7 logo

This week I was challenged to think about Matthew 5:16 in terms of my home. Jesus says, ‘let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Mt 5:16)’ Of course Jesus is talking about our lives as individuals i.e. how is my life shining before others? But he’s also talking about our church life i.e. how are we shining as a Christian community in this dark world (see Phil 2:15)? But the question was asked: How is my home a light that shines in my community?...

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The Motivation for Outreach

Blog 6

Being a parent is hard work! There’s sleepless nights, messy rooms, chaotic meals, tears and arguments, and if your home is anything like mine outright defiance. Why would you keep doing it? Of course, it’s not always like that (allow me some dramatic license), but the reason we keep at it, is because we love our kids. Evangelism must have the same motivation. Without love evangelism becomes a duty. The Apostle Paul says that without love our words and our efforts are meaningless (1 Cor 13:1-3). In fact, God reached out to us because he was motivated by love. Jesus said,...

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