A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
5 minutes reading time (1051 words)


support smWhere do you find support in life and in ministry?   The popular adage is true:  we are better together.   We are not meant to do life alone.   In fact, our creator God made this abundantly clear when he created the first man.   In the opening pages of the Bible God declared that "it is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18)   And so God created a "suitable helper" (Genesis 2:20) for him.  A woman.  As my wife Jeannie likes telling me, "When God made the first man he realised that man needed help, so he created a woman."   This might be meant 'tongue in cheek', but it is true!   But true for men and women.   We all need others to help us in life and in ministry.

This truth is stated most acutely by the Teacher in the book of Ecclesiastes:   "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!   Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.  But how can one keep warm alone?   Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.   A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)   It is not good for us to be alone.   We need others to help us.  To pick us up when we fall.  To keep stoking the embers.   To ensure that we will not just survive, but thrive.   In life and in ministry.   We need support.

Support is part of the culture of the CRCA.   We have been considering the Biblical values that shape the culture of the CRCA, a contemporary, Reformed, gospel-focused denomination.   We have already looked at the values of being contemporary Reformed (confessional and contextual), Word-based, and gospel-focused (kingdom-orientatedoutward-lookingevangelistic, disciple-making and community-hearted).   We now turn to the core value of being 'Local Church Empowering'.   By this value we are saying that as a denomination we are light on structures and hierarchy, and high on support, partnership, mutual accountability and encouragement.

Denominations have various organisational and operational structures.   Some churches have a hierarchical system.  Decisions are made from the top down.   What happens in the local church is dictated by the powers that be on the top.   Other churches have the opposite system.   What happens in the local church has everything to do with the local church and very little, if anything, to do with other ecclesiastical bodies or structures.   These churches might belong to a network of churches, but there is very little interaction or input from these networks.   They are much on their own.

The CRCA functions within a presbyterian form of church structure.   Simply put, instead of a top down approach in terms of church governance, the priority is given to the local church.   In other words, the denominational structures in place are there to serve the local church, not the other way around.  This does not mean the local churches are on their own.   CRCA churches are closely connected together.   In fact they are united together through their common understanding of the teachings of the Bible, summarised in the doctrinal standards of the church.   But it is not just these doctrines that CRCA churches hold in common.   They also have a common love for one another that is demonstrated in the support given to local churches. 

The CRCA is committed to help churches thrive in their ministry and gospel impact in their community.   We see this commitment in the CRCA GROW and TRAIN strategies/tasks.   The CRCA is commited "to grow healthy churches which nurture and equip their members and, by God’s grace, expand numerically, become the mother-churches of as many fellowships and congregations as possible" (GROW) and " to equip our church members to be disciples of Christ and multiply the number of well-trained leaders (ordained, non-ordained, full time, part time, voluntary) who are actively involved in God's mission." (TRAIN)  Our missional vision is all about helping each other as churches be effective as congregations that grow spiritually, in number, and in gospel impact as together we seek to reach the lost for Christ in Australia and the world.

How is this support in local church ministry demonstrated through the denomination?   There are a number of ways.  Support begins with prayer!   Speaking about the church, the apostle Paul wrote: "...there should be no division in the body, ...its parts should have equal concern for each other.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1 Corinthians 12:25-26)  As churches we have a concern for each other.  One of my greatest joys is beginning each day of ministry praying specifically for our churches.  Ministry can be very difficult -- for churches, for church leaders.   We all need help and the greatest source of help is that which God provides. (see Psalms 46:1; 54:4; 63:7; 70:5; 115:11; 121-1-2) With every prayer for one another, we show our concern for each other and support is given.

Prayer is where support begins.   But it does not end there.   It was the early church father Ignatius (d. 108) who said, “Don’t just pray, do something!”  Through denominational resources, classis meetings and interactions, and through the various committees and denominational workers, help is available.   Through the CRCA you can receive help in becoming a disciple-making church, learning how to evangelize the lost, building up leaders in the church, receiving coaching as a pastor, growing in church health, developing strategic plans, engaging in overseas missions, being a safe church, planting a new church, etc.  Need I go on?   As a denomination, and as churches together, we do not just pray for one another.   We also support one another by doing all kinds of things to help one another in ministry.

Two are better than one.   As churches we are there for each other.   And as we also pray, with God's sustaining help, it is like having a cord of three strands.  Not only will we as churches get a good return for all our efforts, we will also thrive in church life and ministry !   The CRCA is high on support! 

Original author: Jack
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