Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Our Beliefs

We are Reformed in our understanding of theology. Our understanding of key Christian doctrines is summarized in the three ecumenical creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian) and in the Reformed Confessions: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt. We also hold the Westminster Confession in high regard.

Mission and Vision

The Christian Reformed Churches of Australia is committed to advancing the CRCA mission and vision in and through local churches. This mission and vision is lived out in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ and his command to make disciples of all nations.

Our Core Values

As a denomination that is firmly rooted in Scripture, our core values stem from the Bible.

  • Contemporary Reformed

  • Word Based

  • Gospel Focused

  • Local Church Empowering

  • Prayerful Urgency

The Four-Fold Task

As a denomination, we believe that we accomplish our mission and vision through four key tasks:

  • Pray

  • Grow

  • Train

  • Align

Our History

We have a rich history in Australia. Our first congregation was established in 1951 and from the very first days of the CRCA we have been committed to church planting. We now have over 50 congregations spread out throughout Australia in almost every state and territory.

Our Strategies

We go about our work in a range of different ways. Our strategies are designed to equip our local churches to reach the lost for Christ.

Our Ministries

As a denomination we have a range of denominational ministries and partnerships.


Read the latest news and blog posts of all thing CRCA here.