Church Planting Taskforce

The Church Planting Taskforce encourages CRCA churches in the task of planting churches throughout Australia.

The CPT engages in research on:

  • the effectiveness of multiplying congregations;
  • models of church reinvigoration and church planting;
  • the financial development of congregations;
  • the base numbers and goal numbers of the mission of planting churches (the base numbers equals where we start, and goal numbers indicates
    what we’re aiming for);
  • the areas (geographical and sociological) where we are not reaching the community;
  • where we can have the most effective outreach.

The Church Planting Taskforce has funding available to partner with the local churches in providing seed funding for Missional Exploration initiatives.   Missional Explorations are designed to identify local missional contexts that might one-day become future church plants.  In essence, this is a ‘stepping-stone’ initiative between the regular outreach work of a local congregation and something that might take on a life of its own.  Under the supervision of the local church, a Missional Exploration might develop its own identity, and as a ‘new congregation’, lead to a formal church plant.

For more information or to apply for funding go to:  Missional Explorations