Missional Explorations

A Stepping-Stone to Church Planting

Missional Explorations are designed to identify local missional contexts that might one-day become future church plants.  In essence, this is a ‘stepping-stone’ initiative between the regular outreach work of a local congregation and something that might take on a life of its own. Under the supervision of the local church, a Missional Exploration might develop its own identity, and as a ‘new congregation’, lead to a formal church plant.

The Church Planting Taskforce (CPT) has funding available to partner with the local churches in providing seed funding for these initiatives. Matching up to $2,500 with the local church, funding is available for core-team training, equipment purchases, venue hire, printing promotional material, and more.

The overall goal for funding these explorations is to see the gospel proclaimed and the kingdom extended.  Church planting is a big step, often seen as a “bridge too far”. We want to stand in that “gap” between the “regular” outreach work of churches and that “something new” moment of church planting. Whether a church plant materialises or not, we have the confidence that through intentional Missional Explorations the gospel will be proclaimed, real communities will be reached, and the Kingdom of God will be built up.

If you have identified a missional opportunity, with the remote potential of it growing into a church plant given the right training and financial support, please consider applying.   Missional Exploration groups could occur in places of common interest – out of a sporting club, around a play group, in a school community or any other context a group of Christians may be involved with.  We would love to have conversations with people and churches who are exploring local mission opportunities.

For those seeking more information please contact:

KJ Tromp – CPT Convenor
Clinton Berends – CRCA Ministry Development Coach

Click on Missional Exploration Application to fill out an online application form.