A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
3 minutes reading time (624 words)

Russia and a whole lot more...

It’s rather difficult not to be upset, disappointed, and even frustrated about what is happening between Russia and the Ukraine and in many other warring places around the world.  And then we need to deal with the terrible floods we see in Australia, and the loss of homes, goods, and livelihoods. We also see unrest in many cities where people are protesting about government mandated vaccinations.  And if that isn’t enough, some of us need to constantly deal with personal illness and other tragedies in our lives. 

As we contemplate these difficult things, we need to be careful about making broad statements about our marvellous, Saviour God in public.  Over recent days we hear well intentioned Christians saying that “God is love” or “God is sovereign” or “God is good.” These cliché Christian phrases are not doctrinally incorrect, but these statements may not resonate as ‘true’ with people, especially when they see and experience terrible things happening all around them. 

To be sure, God is love and yes, God is good, but that is of little comfort to the unbeliever (or even the Christian) who is struggling to understand such claims when they see the human toll caused by the destruction and hardship of war, ‘natural’ disasters, terrible illnesses, and other tragedies when they occur, even in their own lives.

And yes, God is sovereign and has a purpose for all things that happen in this world so that people may acknowledge Him.  Joseph was sold into slavery, accused falsely, so that many lives could be spared including the nation of Israel (Gen 45:3ff).   God uses wars and calamity to turn people towards Him.  Amos 3:6 reminds us, “When a trumpet (war sirens) sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?”  Jesus used the barbaric act of Pilate killing some Galileans and mixing their shed blood with sacrifices, as well as the collapsing tower of Siloam which killed eighteen people, to teach the crowds to turn to God in repentance and be saved before it was too late (Luke 13:1ff). 

Similarly, the senseless wars, barbaric acts, natural disasters, pandemics, terrible illnesses, or some other tragedy we may see today, are ordained so that sinful humankind everywhere may repent of their sins and turn to Christ as their Saviour and not forget their Creator.  They are ordained so that sinful man may not trust in themselves but turn to God who desires to have fellowship with a restored humanity.  They are ordained so the number of the elect may be fulfilled, and we see the glorious return of the King!   

So, should the occasion arise for us to make statements about God’s love, goodness, and sovereignty, both publicly and privately, we need to do it within a biblical framework.  In other words, we need to begin, however tedious it may seem, where God begins, with His own revelation.  He created everything very good (Gen 1:31).  Our creator God desires to have fellowship with a restored humanity (Gen 3:15ff), no more clearly seen then in the giving of His beloved Son (Jn 3:16).   The reality is, that our Saviour God loves humanity too much to just let them enter eternal judgement without Christ as their Saviour!  

Prayer: Dear God, may people everywhere know You as their holy Creator and loving Father in Christ.   May your Holy Spirit help us to see your love, goodness, and sovereignty as we turn to you in repentance.  Please bring lasting peace, not just between warring humanity, but also between You and humanity.  Finally, help us to be generous as we seek to aid people in distress. Amen.  JZ

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