A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

"Lest we forget"

"Lest we forget"

"Lest we forget" This past week we went for dinner at the local RSL and we happened to be there just before 6.00pm. We had barely sat down when all of a sudden the lights dimmed and everyone was asked to stand and face west and the "Ode of Remembrance" was recited (a verse from Laurence Binyon's poem. "For the Fallen.") This 'Ode of Remembrance' reminds us not to forget the many soldiers who lost their lives defending our country in various wars. This past week many have done so, not only here but also in New Zealand as well as...

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  1648 Hits

Our Eyes Need To be Opened

Recently I have been reading a lot about the role of unchecked coercive violence in keeping people of the developing world poor. We are Christians seeking to honour Jesus, no less in our engagement in world mission and overseas aid. So, we really need to have our eyes opened to what is really going on. Start finding out by reading my latest post 

  1656 Hits

Why Church Leaders Should Set Their Heart on Jesus and Not Their Spreadsheet

Here's my latest Grace and peace, Dave

  1476 Hits

Church Health and the Gospel

Church Health and the Gospel

If we're wanting to build a healthy church, the first thing we need is clarity and unity on is the Gospel. What might we mean by that?  Here's my latest post

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"Playing football without the ball"

"Playing football without the ball"

Many years a ago, a Pharisee named Gamaliel prophetically predicted that if the new 'gatherings' that were meeting as a result of the Apostles' preaching succeeded it was from God and would be useless fighting against it for they would be fighting God. Well there is a new gathering that seems to be taking off like wild fire. Now this new gathering calls itself, "The Sunday Assembly." This doesn't sound too radical but it is different and hence I mention it. According to their web page, this is the definition of themselves: "The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrate...

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  1474 Hits

"Simply doing our duty"

"Simply doing our duty"

Last week Sunday evening in our series on Luke's gospel we focused on Luke 17:1-10; It's a rather difficult passage to understand. Jesus tells us that there will always be things that cause people to sin, but woe to the person who causes that to happen. If anything, surely it teaches us in the very least that as Christians we have a huge responsibility to be very careful with how we do things, write things and how we say things. And sometimes we fall terribly short in all areas with the possible result of it having a detrimental affect on a...

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  1518 Hits

"Peace with God"

"Peace with God"

"Peace with God" At a recent morning Bible Study, we focused on the joy of knowing the truth that is contained in Romans Ch 5:1; "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..." Let me encourage you all to think deeply about this verse in Scripture, for it gives peace to our souls. During this time we also discussed why many people in this world are seemingly not at peace. Many are looking for peace and it continually escapes them. No doubt one of the reasons they cannot find this peace...

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  1653 Hits

"The certainty of our salvation"

"The certainty of our salvation"

One thing that often causes angst in many Christians is whether they are 'elect' unto eternal life. With that comes the whole question of whether they have been forgiven or whether they have repented sufficiently. And then for some it is even more problematic for they are always concerned whether their loved one is amongst the elect. Whether we are amongst the 'elect' doesn't need to cause us angst. In some ways, it is none of our business whether we are amongst the elect. Scripture doesn't ask us to spend time on trying to figure out whether we are amongst the...

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  2519 Hits

"Spiritual or Numerical - The danger of church statistics"

"Spiritual or Numerical - The danger of church statistics"

"Spiritual or Numerical - The danger of church statistics" Our annual denominational Yearbook has recently come out and as some of us are prone to do, we like to look at our coming and goings. Some churches have grown while others have declined. Depending on which side of the ledger you are, it can either be encouraging and reason for thanks, or it can be reason for discouragement, some soul searching, and where we can do better. I am not much of a statistician and when it comes to reading statistics about church-growth or decline, it is fraught with danger. First,...

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  1745 Hits

"We know - therefore we worship"

"We know - therefore we worship"

We know, therefore we worship.  I cannot tell you how often I have heard people analyze a worship service by the way they 'feel' rather than by what they have heard and know to be truth. It makes me wonder whether they have been listening or was the message so shallow they have reason to be concerned. Recently I have been showing a few people a Youtube video clip where Rev Alastair Begg, a Scottish preacher, speaks about the importance of 'knowing' versus 'feeling' in worship. Alastair makes the point that our worship of God and hence our Christian faith, should...

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  1619 Hits

"The Gospel drives us"

"The Gospel drives us"

"The Gospel drives us" There are many things that can drive us as individuals. Some people are driven by success. They get a great thrill out of making success out of a business venture where others have perhaps long given up. Some people are driven by finishing projects and can hardly wait before they start the next, sometimes not even finishing their current project. For others the drive in their life is making money, and lots of it. None of these things are necessarily wrong, but what drives us as Christians? Michael Horton in his book, "The Gospel driven Life" likens...

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  1553 Hits

"Preaching and listening in a winsome way"

"Preaching and listening in a winsome way"

"Preaching and listening in a winsome way" Early in my ministry, I remember someone complaining to me about sermons being theological and doctrinal dust. At that time I didn't exactly know what he meant by it, but was soon enlightened. What this person was complaining about was the danger of sermons being theologically 'correct' and doctrinally 'right' but boring as heck. He then went on to say, that preachers should give the congregation more than what you can read in a commentary. He went on to say if that is all ministers can do then he might as well save the...

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  1758 Hits

"It seems so unfair"

"It seems so unfair"

In this life, there are so many things that seem to be unfair. The boss gives us notice and we're out of a job. The coach puts us on the bench when we expected to be playing. We get 'booked' when we don't think we were speeding, at least not much. Now in a sense these are only 'small' things and we soon get over it. However, what do you say when you become sick or a loved one does or some other tragedy occurs in your lives? If you are inclined to say that God is being 'unfair' at that...

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  1431 Hits

"Elections - also our responsibility"

"Elections - also our responsibility"

Next Saturday the election for a new federal government will occur and people of Australia will have to cast their vote. In some ways it is a rather 'worldly' event, especially when you listen to the rhetoric of various leaders as well as their advertising campaigns. It is said that oppositions don't win elections but governments that lose them. Although there is probably some truth to that, we also believe that there is no authority except that which God has established (Romans 13:1). And God establishes authority, not with some magic wave of a wand, but by using people to cast...

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  1416 Hits

We're safe in the Lord's hands"

We're safe in the Lord's hands"

"We're safe in the Lord's hands...." As I put my fingers to the keyboard, there are several recent images that seem to be clouding all my thinking. One incident is what happened in Syria overnight. The reports on the news suggest that the Syrian armed forces have used a poisonous gas to kill more than 1300 people. The United Nations as well as other countries are horrified, desperately trying to verify the reports. Another one is what the new military government in Egypt has used force to breakup a demonstration against the regime resulting in the deaths of more than a...

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  1483 Hits

"Planning for corporate worship"

"Planning for corporate worship"

"Planning for corporate worship" This past week I was speaking to a colleague who was getting rather frustrated about what he called "people's seemingly indifference" about gathering together for corporate worship. He wasn't saying that there are never any good reasons for not attending. We all know that sometimes sickness or car troubles etcetera, prevent people from attending. What he was more frustrated about was that people could be attending, but had failed to plan attending corporate worship. Well let me say from the outset that I am always very thankful that there are so many faithful Christians who just love...

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  1602 Hits


Summer is often portrayed in television commercials as the time for parties and barbeques. I think that’s actually what’s behind daylight saving – so that we might all have more time to enjoy the daylight for leisure activities after work. Many gardening programs or so called “life style” programs give a lot of attention to outdoor entertainment areas, the accessories and foods that will make for a wonderful relaxed life. So, a few chops and snags on the barbie, a nice cool drink in the hand, a few friends around the pool, easy music and coloured lights and clothing, and everyone...

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  1254 Hits


I got to thinking the other day about the word “lukewarm”. What prompted this was thinking about what excites people in churches.Music excites people. In fact it can become quite a hot topic when we talk about how music may, or ought, or should be used in worship to the glory of God.When I was much younger we used to get quite excited about the symbols of the hippie culture and if what they represented could appropriately appear in Christian communions. I have seen people get quite animated when talking about the annual budget of a congregation. Then there are those...

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  1209 Hits

Christian Counselling

The urge or desire for change strikes us all at a different times. A change in hairstyle, or clothing, and sometimes something even more radical, a new place to live.I received a newsletter this week from a counselling service I have recommended to a number of people, and in it there was a definition for therapy which disturbed me. I suppose I wouldn’t have noticed it if the counselling agency did not have Christian roots, and at one time promoted itself as a specifically Christian counselling service.Noting their definition for therapy made me wonder if the service was Christina at all...

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  1341 Hits

Spiritual Clutter

Cleaning and tidying – there is never any end to that essential housekeeping chore, and it could also be true to say that cleaning and tidying are a fact of life everywhere we are, not just at home. We just walked out to the recycling bin to dispose of some bottles, and within minutes of getting back inside, and there is more to put away.I love a clean work area. I like my book shelves to look orderly and benches to be clear of dust, and my desk to have a minimum of papers and books. However no sooner is the...

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  1209 Hits