A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

The CRCA at work through workgroups & local churches 

Cyber Bullying – Bonus Article

Bullying 1

October 23, 2012 Leave a comment This week, CRCA Catalyst presents Cyber Bullying – a special article prepared by Pastor Joe Vermeulen. Joe is Pastor at Grace CRC on Perth’s north side, and a member of the Committee for Social Responsibility in CRCA CLassis WA. Cyber Bullying is more common than we realise. Indeed, most catalyst readers will have observed some Cyber Bullying, even if only in a passive sense. As followers of Jesus, we are called to transform our interactions on the internet, and have those interactions reflect and express the sort of world that God delights in. Our prayer...

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How to make Catalyst work

October 17, 2012 1 Comment Wondering how to comment or interact with CRCA Catalyst? I have already written something up on that a few months ago, and you can read about it here. Keep in mind that as the weeks go by, I will post key articles as stand alone pieces, allowing for closer interaction and comment. You can use these re-posts to inform your prayer life and family or home group discussion. Please make use of the comment facility: it is a terrific way to maintain conversation about the various topics and issues raised in each edition of Catalyst. Further,...

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October CATALYST out now!

Thanks Dave for putting together an informative and encouraging read in this issue of Catalyst. The spread of topics is well-balanced with local and overseas testimonies of God’s grace at work through our denomination in several important programs. I appreciated and affirm Murray’s assessment of Jack deVries’ valuable role in the denomination. It’s not a easy job, but Jack does it with love, grace, energy and a focus on God’s glory. I also want to commend Kevin and Machi Rietvelt for their long years of faithful service to the Lord in Solomon Islands Mission, which for them is quickly coming to...

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CRCA Ministry Share – and why it’s a very good thing…


August 15, 2012 Leave a comment Ever wondered what your church’s ‘ministry share’ actually achieves? Is it really just a ‘church tax’? It may be time to think again. Tony Deenick tells us why… [This material is being circulated so local churches and pastors can encourage their members to give generously to the CRCA Deficit Reduction Appeal, which is being held this coming Sunday, August 19, in many CRCA congregations - DG] As individual churches there are often things we would like to do which we can’t afford or can’t easily do on our own. Alternatively, we may simply want to do...

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