A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. Thank God for the initial complete roll out of the Diploma course for evangelists. The course is taught over two years and was offered at two locations. May God bless the training that has been given to the teachers of his Word.

2. Praise God for 14 new believers (from 3 states) who professed their faith and received the sign of baptism.

3. Please pray for Somnath from Nasik field. He had planned to start new worship groups in two villages where had been a good response to the preaching. However, some village leaders are resisting those who are new believers. Pray that they will not fall away “when trouble of persecution comes because of the Word.” Matt.13:21

4. Please pray for the new CHP (Community Health Program) which are being established. CHP’s show the love of Christ and provide wonderful openings for sharing the good news about Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for the farmers who have started the cultivation of their yearly crops during the monsoon. The monsoon has just started. Most of our believers are subsistence farmers. If the monsoons fail, they will suffer. Please pray that our Lord will help them with good rain to sustain their crops so there is a sufficient harvest.

6. Praise God for as many as 80 new believers coming from different tribal backgrounds who have started attending worship services in the different mission fields last month.