A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. Please pray for the forthcoming special Gospel presentations that are often held at Christmas time. Last year, there were some disturbances by Hindu activists.

2. Praise God for the 85 new believers added in November. There will be many baptisms this month of Dec. Special caution is given at public baptisms.

3. Seven new prayer cells that have been started. God has blessed the constant effort of our workers as they make contacts with new people. By God’s grace many respond to the claims of Christ.

4. The 20 tuition centres in Maharashtra and South Gujarat will all present special Advent programs where the Hindu parents come and hear of the coming of the King. May this message be a means God uses to change the hearts of these parents to trust our Lord Jesus Christ alone.

5. It is hard to get medical doctors to attend the “special” clinics in our Community Health Centres now operating in three places: Sevaniya (Rajasthan), Barwani (Madhya Pradesh) and Zarwad (Maharashtra). The presence of a fully trained doctor enhances the work our health workers do in helping the sick in Jesus name.