A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. The Hindu castes system is an abhorrent reality in India. The people who live in villages are not all the same caste. Different castes live side by side. The higher the caste, the more resistant they often are to hearing the Word of God. Just recently there was a breakthrough among the Patel caste. Our evangelist Makala shared the Gospel with some Patel folk. Now 8 of them are keen to hear the word of God. Please pray that God will open their mind and hearts to understand the truth of Gospel and to put their trust in Jesus alone and not their caste.

2. GOSPEL evangelists from two clusters were able to baptize 47 new believers in March. Another 90 young believers started attending worship and prayer groups during the same month.

3. New field surveys have been carried out in two districts of Jalgaon and Dhule as we are hoping to continue to extend outreach in new places where “Christ is not known...” Pray that God would guide these surveys and provide the resources for extending his Kingdom there too.

4. Holiday Bible activities (VBS) will be organised during last week of April and first week of May. These are great opportunities to teach the Gospel to children. Pray for the teachers to use their talents to grow the next generation.

5. The Annual Field Report 2018 is being distributed this month. If you didn’t get your copy, please read it on line. https://gospel.net.au/resources/ Please pray that many Bhil tribals would come to Christ.