A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. College comes to students. Our second batch of 24 missionaries are now being trained. This month they studied: God and his Word, mankind and sin, Biblical theology and the Doctrine of salvation. May God use the Diploma course to train the GOSPEL workers for effective ministry in India.

2. 60 people were added to Kingdom in May and some 23 new Christians receive the sign of baptism.

3. Please do pray for Indian Christians. In the recent election, BJP, the Hindu Nationalist party was returned to power with an increased majority. We strongly believe that our God is sovereign and has power over everything. At the same time we know that opposition to the preaching of the Gospel may be hindered and opposed. Please pray that there will not be any hindrance to gospel work in India.

4. Please pray for WATER. Most of the villages adopted for the GOSPEL work have been severely affected by the water shortage. Many people in the field face are facing a severe drinking water crisis. Kindly pray for believers and other communities to access drinking water until the monsoon rains come. (We do thank God for the many bore wells that have been drilled because of kind donations made through Compassionate Catalogue.)