A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. GOSPEL evangelists have been involved in the distribution of food and medicines. On behalf of many thousands of needy people, we give thanks to God for providing donors from CRCA and RCNZ. God used your generous giving to provide desperately needed items at the hour of need. We thank God for his goodness! Please continue to pray as more and more needy families are helped.

2. In the Nasik, South Gujarat ‘field’, we praise our Lord for 25 new families who came to know about Christ during the lockdown period. God is faithful! Praise his name!

3. Most of the people in the mission field are farmers and farm labourers. They depend on rainfall for a good cultivation. Rains have started, but more rains are needed to ensure an adequate harvest. Pray to the Lord with us.

4. Rural children have missed out on a whole year of education because of Covid. As well, poor rural parents force their children to work to supplement the family income. Please pray for many children who will be set back because of Covid.