A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. The evangelists were used of God to continue to proclaim “Christ Alone”. God has poured out his Holy Spirit and 72 new believers have come to trust our Lord Jesus Christ last month. (Manshuklal has started a new prayer group at Ramjada village with eighteen new believers).

2. The “Food and Medicines for a Family” project has provided a significant quantities of food items along with vitamins and medicines for those affected by Corona virus - lockdowns. Bhil communities have expressed their sincere thanks. They have been experiencing much suffering.

3. Jamsingh praises God for 20 new believers who are ready for baptism. Rasiya praises God for 18 new believers. God is mightily at work during this lockdown period.

4. Shersingh’s wife Jyoti has had to undergo emergency surgery. She is making a good recovery.

5. Meerchand has faced threats and opposition from the local community last month. Despite the threats, there is steadfast support from the believers. May God sustain this group facing persecution right now.