A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. GOSPEL has been resourcing church planters for 19 years now. The last 15 years has been in partnership with the Christian Reformed Fellowship in India (CRFI). Join with us as we praise God for his blessings on this ministry.

2. Workers from the 4 clusters of South Gujarat, Narmada, Nashik and Shirpur fields praise God for the 160 new believers added in July.

3. CRFI is carefully planning how to carry forward the ministry in a safe and effective way during the pandemic as well as during ongoing persecution. We give thanks that field activities have again resumed. In the clusters of South Gujarat and Narmada opposition to believers has resulted in some worship centres being demolished last month. Please pray for God’s protection.

4. We praise God for the many young people in our mission fields. Many are committed to t ministry. Kindly pray that God will guide them to fulfil their desire to serve the Lord.

5. Evangelists Ramtu and Sanjay specifically praise God for the six new families from 2 villages coming to Christ. In spite of pandemic, God is working his grace and mercy amongst the indigenous Bhil people.