A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1.  We praise God for 34 new believers (from 3 clusters) who came to know about Christ last month. Kindly pray for our GOSPEL workers as they guide these new believers into a life of discipleship.

2. More training for evangelists was held in our Northern region last month. 42 GOSPEL workers from the clusters spend an intensive few days considering various aspects of doctrine and on preparing and delivering sermons.

3. Please pray for the special programmes and events planned in our mission fields for celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We request you kindly pray for the non-believers participating in the programmes to receive Jesus Christ and that their hearts and minds would be open to understanding that God came to the earth to save and give us eternal life through Christ.

4. Unrest, Opposition and Persecution

  • Kindly pray for the Alirajpur cluster of Madhya Pradesh as the district Superintendent of Police gave instructions to all police stations that: “Special events, prayer meeting, new programs and healing meetings are not allowed without their permission. Christmas and New Year services should happen only inside the Church”.  This is a precaution taken to prevent unrest during Christmas celebrations which has happened in the past. Please pray that the Lord will protect GOSPEL workers and gospel work during the Christmas times.
  • Pray also for the government of India in its anti-Christian stand. A major ‘Christian’ development agency from outside of India has had its license to receive funds from abroad cancelled. Many charitable  organizations are afraid that this will happen to them soon.
  • Please pray for the state elections in Gujarat. These will be held on the 1st and 5th of December 2022. Politicians often stir up anti-Christian sentiments during elections times. Pray for a peaceful atmosphere
    during the election period in our Gujarat mission fields.

5. Another annual seminar will be held for all on 14th and 15th December 2022. As well as good teaching, these annual events are important for encouragement and team building. May God continue to bless these times
of refreshment in his grace. 

6. Please praise God for this wonderful 20 year partnership where believers in Australia and New Zealand are able to stand together with evangelists in India, fulfilling the great commission in amongst marginalized and poor tribal

To God be the glory.