A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
3 minutes reading time (650 words)

God’s displeasure and solution

God’s displeasure and solution

Do you ever stop and wonder what God must be thinking of his world, especially when one considers the evil and moral decline of sinful mankind?   This past week while watching the news it struck me again how far society has deteriorated in perpetrating evil and in their morals when compared to God’s revealed will for mankind. Let me give you some examples.

This past week the American Supreme court reversed the “Roe v Wade” abortion decision which eliminates the federal constitutional right to have access to abortions nationwide and now allows the various states to determine how they will rule on this matter.  Sadly, the pro-choice groups are demonstrating everywhere (including in Australia) how terrible this decision is, drowning out the pro-life voices of those who are trying desperately to speak and give life to those who have no voice.  

Most of us have seen the devastation and the evil of war on our TV screens.  This past week, a Russian missile destroyed a shopping centre in the Ukraine, with many injured and a number killed.  Along with past atrocities, many innocent people have lost their lives, their homes, and their livelihoods.  It’s just dreadful and defies all logic and common sense.

The transgender debate is thrust upon us. Sporting bodies must deal with whether it right for a transgender male to compete in women only sports.   We all know it is unfair, but the leaders of various sporting bodies don’t wish to be seen as biased and hence they are not quite sure what to say.   

And then if that isn’t enough, the ‘Pride in London’ came across the TV screen as well.  During the month of June, London has been filled with various ‘themed’ events highlighting the LGBTQ+ movement with the parade taking place on Saturday 2nd July.  Pride in London wants the parade to ‘make a powerful statement’ and ‘march towards progress’.   And it is not just London, for in Australia we also have LGBTQ+ marches in various cities and even a ‘pride’ round of AFL games being held throughout the year, all with their rainbow colours.

When one sees and hears about this evil and moral decline, we can identify with God’s displeasure for it blatantly goes against God’s will for us.   In Genesis 6:6 we read about God’s displeasure at man’s sinfulness “The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and His heart was filled with pain.” 

No doubt God’s heart has been filled with pain many times since then.  One only needs to read the Old Testament to realise that fact.  And today many centuries later, nothing much has changed when it comes to the evil and moral decline of mankind, and it is highlighted when there is no recognition of God as Creator, Provider and Sustainer. 

Now before you despair, although the evil perpetrated and moral decline we see in our society grieves us and continues to grieve the Lord, I dare say that the Lord’s greatest heart pain is seeing people trample on His dear Son and treat him with contempt.   

So, may we as the redeemed people of God use the various tragic and immoral events that happen in this world as conversation starters to bring people the good news of a loving God. We might even be able to tell people the God-given reason for the rainbow and its colours, and that God’s promises never to destroy mankind again with a flood (Gen 9:13).

In fact, rather than destroy, the LORD who is faithful to his covenant has provided his beloved Son as Saviour for sinful mankind.  His desire is that sinful mankind repent of their sins and embrace Christ as their Saviour and be forgiven and saved.   This would give great pleasure to the LORD and bring glory to his name.   JZ

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