A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
4 minutes reading time (740 words)

What's Wrong With Heaven?

What's Wrong With Heaven?

"What's wrong with heaven?"

Not withstanding all things being equal, our life here, this side of glory is particularly sweet. In our western societies we are especially blessed. The Lord has provided us with so many blessings, not least our daily provisions and some. We have food, clothing, shelter, and can live in relative peace and worship without fear of persecution. Not only is this so, we also have modern medical facilities, various medicines, both prescribed and natural, that help us with our illnesses and make our daily lives relatively comfortable.

Having said all that, I wonder sometimes whether we have forgotten that we are pilgrims on a journey and that this isn't our final home? (1 Pet 1:1ff)

It has become increasingly obvious that some people hold onto this immediate life as though this life is all there is. I guess it is something we would expect to see and hear from people who have not bowed the knee before Christ as their Saviour and Lord and who have no hope of eternal life in glory. Ironically, I have occasionally sat with dying people who are 'seemingly' at peace for they firmly believe that there is no heaven or hell. On other occasions I have sat with dying people who are fighting against death to their very last breathe for they are obviously frightened about meeting God, who they know exists, for God has made it plain to them (Rom 1:19ff).

However, it is particularly disconcerting for me as a Pastor when Christians say things and write things as though the power of living a long healthy life is in their hands and in how they live and in what they do or do not consume. It seems that their loving Father God who has saved them (and us) in Christ for better and greater things, doesn't get a look in anymore.

Some Christians whom the Lord is obviously calling home seem at peace, and their wider family is too. Yet on other occasions, some Christians and their wider family seem to get 'angry' at God for not allowing them or their loved one to enjoy a longer life in this sin-filled world. In fact some who are dying and their families carry on and behave as though heaven and glory must be the worst place to enter. I find it rather sad when Christians who are being called home enter into glory with resignation rather than great expectation.

Please don't think I am suggesting that we shouldn't enjoy this life that the Lord God has given us, we should! (Eccl.3:12ff). And yes, we should be careful in the way we live and yes, by all means live 'healthy' lives, but ultimately it is the Lord who gives life and takes life (Job 1:21). We don't have that power - no one does!

The Apostle Paul says to the Christians at Philippi, that he is torn between the two: he desires to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far, however, he realizes that for the sake of the church at Philippi he should remain in the body (Phi 1:23ff). Wow! Now that is a refreshing attitude to have about life and heaven.

In Romans 14:8 Paul writes, "if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Surely this is our Christian hope and living life with this truth is a great way to bear witness to our loving Father in heaven and what He has done to secure our safe arrival in glory through his beloved Son, our Saviour and Lord.

Is heaven something to look forward to with great expectation? Absolutely. Let us not forget, that heaven is where our Saviour is as well as loved ones who have fallen asleep in the Lord. When we arrive we will be with our Saviour God and "He will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain..." (Rev 21:4). Now that's something to be positive about and to look forward to.

It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with heaven, but there may be something wrong with our thinking and we might need to consider whether we are too attached to this earthly life. JZ


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