A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
Sermons based on the book of Esther

Esther 4 - Time And Opportunity

Word of Salvation – August 2024   Time And Opportunity   Sermon by Harry Burggraaf B.D. on Esther 4:14 Scripture Reading: Esther 4; 1Peter 2:9-12 Singing:        Now with joyful exultation (BoW.95)                         Lord, our Lord Your glorious name (BoW.8a vs.1,4,5)                         You are the light of the world (BoW.431)   "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14   The book of Esther is a remarkable story by any standards. I am surprised that Hollywood hasn't used it as a script for one of its blockbuster movies.  It's full of...

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Esth.01 - The Worldly Prelude to God's Saving Drama Through Queen Esther

Word of Salvation – Vol. 24 No. 24 – March 1978   The Worldly Prelude to God's Saving Drama Through Queen Esther   Sermon by Rev. J. de Kievit, B.D. on Esther 1:19 Scripture reading: Esther 1, Ephesians 1:15-23 Psalter Hymnal: 191:1,2,3; 389:1,2; 389:3; 319; 259   Beloved congregation in our Lord Jesus Christ, What a strange beginning — isn't it — to a book in the Bible. A worldly beginning, we might almost say. With an Oriental feast of the most pagan kind! What we'd expect, you see, is something upbuilding, with the Name of God mentioned fairly early in...

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