A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
Sermons based on the book of Jonah

Jonah 1 - He That Liveth And Was Dead

Word of Salvation – Vol. 15 No.27 - July 1969   He That Liveth And Was Dead   Sermon by Rev. A. I. de Graaf, B.D. on Jonah 1:17-3:2a SCRIPTURE READINGS: N.T.: Matthew 12:38-41                                                 O.T.: Jonah 1:17-3:2a PSALTER HYMNAL: 233:1,2,3; 94:1,2 (after Law); 428:1,2; 461                                     228:1,2,3,7 (after Sermon); 228:10 (after benediction)   Brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ our Lord, There is a story about some soldiers who had been to the front in North Africa.  Where thousands died every day in blazing heat, where one of the most terrifying episodes of World War II was fought out in...

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Jonah 1 - The Call

Word of Salvation – June 2024   The Call   Sermon by Harry Burggraaf B.D. on Jonah 1:1-17 Scripture Reading: Jonah 1 & Matthew 12:38-42   “...And the word of the Lord came to Jonah, son of Amittai: "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me."   [This month I want to commence a series of reflections on the book of Jonah.]  Jonah is probably one of the most well-known stories in the Bible and perhaps one of the least understood. Even people who know very little about God, know...

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Jonah 1 - Jonah: Selfish, Scared, Or Both?

Word of Salvation – Vol. 31 No. 25 – July 1986   Jonah: Selfish, Scared, Or Both?   Sermon: by Rev. J. Terhorst on Jonah 1:1-3 Reading: Matthew 19:16-30, Jonah 1 Singing: 312; 408; 801; 452; 491   Congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Introduction Most of us are familiar with the story of Jonah.  The children may have heard the story at Sunday School.  Jonah, the man who was swallowed by the big fish.  Yet, there is much more to the story of Jonah than that.  The story of Jonah is the story of God's love.  The love and patience...

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Jonah 4 - The Pouting Prophet

Word of Salvation – Vol. 49 No.1 – January 2004   The Pouting Prophet   Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 4:1-4 Scripture Readings:  Jonah 4; James 1:12-27   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this sermon we see that in his prayer Jonah is angry at God and sorry for himself because God spared Nineveh. And the purpose for preaching on this text is to expose our sins of anger, self-justification and exclusivism in contrast to God's love. There are times when reading the Bible can make you feel very uncomfortable. James tells us that the Bible can...

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Jonah 4 - A God Of Compassion

Word of Salvation – Vol. 49 No.5 – February 2004   A God of Compassion   Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 4:5-11 Scripture Readings:  Mat.9:35-38, 15:21-28, 28:18-20; Jonah 4   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon is about God showing compassion to Jonah and teaching him about His own compassion for Nineveh. And the purpose of the sermon is to explain that God shows us compassion and to urge us to imitate and declare God's love. Children, most fairy tales have happy endings. The handsome prince searches the land and eventually comes to the house of Cinderella...

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Jonah 1 - A Prophet on the Run

Word of Salvation – Vol. 48 No.22 – June 2003   A Prophet on the Run   Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 1:1-3 Scripture Readings:  Acts 1:1-9, 2:38-41; 2 Kings 14:23-29   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this sermon we see that Jonah was disobedient to God's call to take a message of judgment to Nineveh. In connection with that we must emphasise the need of each believer and the church to obey the call of God and take his Word to the world. Most of us have probably read one or two missionary biographies (if you...

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Jonah 3 - True Repentance

Word of Salvation – Vol.48 No.42 – November 2003   True Repentance Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 3:5-9  Scripture Readings:  Joel 2:12-17; Matthew 12:38-50   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The theme of this sermon is about the whole city of Nineveh repenting of their sin and calling urgently on God. And the purpose of the sermon is to explain what true repentance means and to call us and our nation to this in the hope of God's saving grace. On October 30, 1938, someone named Orson Welles made a radio broadcast announcing a Martian invasion of America....

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Jonah 3 - Judgment is Looming

Word of Salvation – Vol.48 No.38 – October 2003   Judgment is Looming Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 3:1-4   Scripture Readings:  2 Peter 2:4-10; Jonah 3:1-13   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The theme of this sermon is: God commands Jonah to bring a message of judgment to Nineveh. And the purpose of preaching this sermon is to urge all hearers to be prepared for the final judgment that is coming. All of us are shocked when we hear about senseless acts of violence and destruction inflicted on other people by evil men and women. Think back...

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Jonah 1 - Man Overboard

Word of Salvation – Vol.48 No.26 – July 2003   Man Overboard   Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 1:4-16 Scripture Readings:  Mark 4:35-41; Acts 27:13-26, 33-38   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ... Our text is about the Lord pursuing his runaway prophet and the purpose of the sermon is to describe how the Lord pursued Jonah in his disobedience and achieved His purposes. There is a poem written by Francis Thompson called, "The Hound of Heaven". It is a poem about God. It describes the times we flee from the Lord, "Down the nights and down the days......

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Jonah 2 - Practised Prayer

Word of Salvation - Vol.48 No.34 - September 2003   Practised Prayer Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 2   Scripture Readings: Psalm 86; James 5:13-20; Jonah 2   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The theme of this sermon is: Jonah draws on the Psalms to describe his near-death experience and his hope in God's salvation. And the purpose of this sermon is: To use Jonah's prayer to encourage us to pray honestly, confidently and thankfully. Towards the end of his short letter, James has some advice for Christians. He gives it in his usual practical and pithy style....

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Jonah 1 - The Sign of the Prophet Jonah

Word of Salvation - Vol.48 No.30 - August 2003   The Sign of the Prophet Jonah Sermon by Rev J Haverland on Jonah 1:17, 2:10; Matthew 12:38-40   Scripture Readings:  Matthew 12:22-42; Jonah 1:17-2:10   Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The verses of our text show that Jonah is miraculously swallowed by a fish and after three days is vomited onto dry land. The Bible teaches us that Jonah in the fish is a type of the death and resurrection of Christ. And the purpose of that teaching is to have us put our faith in Jesus. Jonah in the...

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