A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
Sermons based on the book of Song of Songs

Song.8 - True Love

Word of Salvation – Vol. 26 No. 23 – March 1981   True Love   Sermon by Rev. G. Van Schie on Song of Songs 8:6,7 First Reading: 1 John 4:7–21.   Congregation in the Lord Jesus Christ, Our text today is taken from the Song of Songs. A book which, together with the book of Revelation is a book not often turned to. The reason for this is most probably because its contents are so hard to understand. It is written in very poetic language and is therefore very veiled. Time and patience are needed to discover the riches contained...

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Song 5 - Advent - How Keen Are You?

Word of Salvation – Vol. 25 No. 10 – December 1978   Advent - How Keen Are You?   Advent Sermon by Rev. W. F. Van Brussel, B.D. on Song of Songs 5:2-7 Scripture reading: Revelation 3:14-22, Song of Songs 5:2-7 Psalter Hymnal: 283:2,10; 114 (Tune 121); 70; 242; 371:1; 425:3,4   Dear Congregation, People have often wondered how the Song of songs ever could have finished up becoming one of the books in the Bible. It is like a stranger among all the other sacred writings. Until we come to realise all over again that the love-relationship between a husband...

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Song 8 - The Bond That Ties

Word of Salvation – Vol. 39 No.44 – November 1994   The Bond That Ties   Sermon: by Rev. R. Brenton Text: Song of Songs 8:6-7   My brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, Deep in the heart of the Old Testament is the most eloquent love song ever composed: Solomon's Song of Songs. This song is so sublime that the ancients said that Solomon must have been singing of a heavenly love with pleasures that earth cannot afford.  Many believed that Solomon was so enthralled by the love of the Lord for His people that he wanted to...

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