A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ
Sermons based on the book of Zephaniah

Zeph.3 - The Church At Rest

Word of Salvation – Vol. 26 No. 24 – March 1981   The Church At Rest   Sermon by Rev. Dr. M. Woudstra on Zephaniah 3:12,13 Scripture: Zephaniah 3:1-20 For I will leave in the midst of you a people humble and lowly They shall seek refuge in the name of the LORD those who are left in Israel; they shall do no wrong and utter no lies, nor shall there be found in their moutha deceitful tongue.For they shall pasture and lie down,and none shall make them afraid. Psalter Hymnal: 204; 386; 38; 471   Beloved Congregation: We sing in...

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