A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. We praise our Sovereign Lord for enabling our GOSPEL workers in four ‘clusters’ to lead 75 new souls to receive Christ last month. Praise God for these new believers in our mission fields. Please, as always, pray for these new believers to be actively involved in the congregation. In other areas:

  • Narulal has started a new prayer group in one of the outreach villages. 23 new believers from the village are attending. (Reminiscent of John 4:41)
  • Javansingh praises our Lord for six new families who accepted Christ in a “new” village in February. Kindly remember these new believers to be nurtured in Christ.

2. A harvest thanksgiving service was held in each congregation of the South Gujarat Cluster. We thanked God for the successful harvest of crops. Praise God with us for the blessings of food and nourishment. (Food security is a major issue in all the villages – insufficient rain leads to poor yield, hunger and malnutrition.)

3. Good teaching about matters like the nature of a “family” is really needed in a traditional patriarchal (male domination) situation. Prakash has been sharing God’s word on the meaning of being “image bearers” of God in the context of family and cultivating family relationships. May the Word of God shine brightly and bring reformation.

4. We need your special prayers for Amaliya village. The Government has informed the local leaders, that because of mining activities, the villagers have to move from their tribal lands. There has been a great harvest of souls in Amaliya:

  • There’s a congregation now of 250 souls in that village.
  • Mining expansion would force all the people living in the village to migrate to different locations. Please pray that God would change these plans of Government and protect his people at the Amaliya fellowship.

5. Humanly speaking persecution is “nearby”. There are antichristian elements that are active in many regions of our mission field. They keep monitoring church/Christian activities. Please pray that God would protect his people from physical harm if that be his will, but mostly pray for the unhindered spread of the good news of God’s grace for all who receive him.

Prayer Items for March '23 

1.    Last month the “southern” workers attended the training program. The focus was the very practical matters of an order of worship; components of worship services and appropriate management of a local congregation. 
2.    Manshuklal from Rajasthan praises God for the 6 new believers from one of his outreach villages.  Now they need to be nurtured in Christ.
3.    Leader Rajesh has asked us to pray for the mission fields in Madhya Pradesh state. Ever more persecution is happening. Believers are being falsely accused of all sorts of things and the police will always be pro Hindu.  Please pray for justice. 
4.    Some 80 women from different fellowships will be participating in training meetings. They have a key pastoral role in the field. Please pray for their training, and their ministry.
5.    Three medical camps will be held this month in our Udaipur mission field of Rajasthan from 13 to 15 March. This means that three times 300 people will get to see a doctor or a nurse. This is a wonderful blessing for the ministry of mercy in the work of outreach amongst poor and sick people. Through this they also hear of a merciful God. 

1. Praise be to the Lord for leading 69 new souls for baptism from the CRFI field in April. 105 new believers are preparing to receive baptism this month, please pray that God may help them overcome the social and cultural hindrances and be firm in their faith.

2. Please pray for the Diploma Hindi extension training program from 22nd May to 15th June 2018, at two venues. Altogether, 24 full-time workers would be attending the training program. Also, pray for the journey of the resource persons from Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Dehradun.

3. One of our staff Ravindra Gangoda is getting married on 23rd May-2018.

4. Please pray for 3 new fields. Planning for opening these fields is well underway. “Survey” work is being right now. Potentially another 15 evangelists will start work in these areas. We need God’s leading, wisdom and guidance to select fields and workers for the expansion of the ministry.

5. By the Grace of God 34 new villages were reached out with the Gospel and as many as 76 new contacts are made by our workers during the last month. Please pray that God may prepare their hearts to understand the truth of the Gospel.

6. Summer is upon us. Intense heat and related problems of water scarcity cause many difficulties in the field. Please especially pray for our workers who will have to travel in the heat for gospel and outreach work.

In the Badwani cluster a rally conducted last month saw nearly 1200 come to hear the Gospel.  What amazing openings exist in India.  Pray that God blesses his Word.

GOSPEL Prayer Points May 2017

1. We work in 4 states in Central/Western India. Our workers in the State of MP praise God for 15 newly baptized believers in Alirajpur cluster and 85 newly baptized believers in the Dahod cluster last month. May God help them to grow in Christ!

2. Our former PTS trained field director, Ravi, has had two years of study leave. He completed his Masters and has just returned to the field as a full time trainer of our workers. We thank our Lord that our team continues to be even more enthused and better equipped for faithful service.

3. GOSPEL workers in the State of Gujarat are grateful for 30 new people who came to faith in April. They continue to need good teaching and wise leadership to grow as disciples of Jesus.

4. The northern hemisphere academic year has ended. Our strategic Tuition centre (TC) ministry was able to minister to 502 tribal children. All the TC teachers will be coached during the holidays so that they will be even more effective.

5. Community health program (CHP) in South Gujarat helped 614 needy people by providing basic medicine. The CHP team praises God for opening this way to share the gospel through counsel and medicine.

6. Elections are also happening in India. India is divided by race, caste, creed and politics. Please pray that God may bring a government that will guide our nation well. Pray that there will freedom to proclaim the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.