A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. Gospel workers and leaders from the northern clusters praise God for three seminars that were held for women. Nearly 700 women participated and were blessed through these seminars.

2. Narmada cluster workers praise God for 30 new believers who are ready for baptism. Kindly pray for these believers that they will continue to be clearly taught by the word of God and nurtured in the fellowship of believers.

3. Our Gospel worker Harish Shankar is facing opposition from anti Christians and local police. He was threatened by the local police that his life would be in danger if he continues to preach the Gospel in his village.

4. Badwani cluster leaders and evangelists are planning to arrange a Gospel Rally on 30th and 31st March at Tencha village. They are expecting 1,500 people from their cluster. Kindly pray for the arrangements and God’s blessing on this meeting.

5. Dharamchand our Gospel worker from Udaipur cluster praises God 22 new believers at Kolhiari village. Kindly pray for the new believers to grow in Christian faith. There are forty new believers who are ready for baptism in Udaipur cluster. The cluster leader and workers are finding difficulty to carry out the baptism program because of anti-Christian fundamentals.

1. We praise God for more and more new people who are attending worship services. (47 people are interested in the Gospel from just one of the southern clusters.) Please pray that all these interested people will understand the Gospel, trust in Christ alone and continue to grow.
2. We have been prayerfully planning to administer baptism to 170 new Christians in different clusters this month. Please pray that we will be able to this without any trouble from Hindu protesters.
3. God has richly blessed a ladies Gospel meeting in the Narmada cluster. We thank God for the success of this program. Mrs Rosy Tennyson along with her family came and delivered God’s message and it was a blessed meeting.
4. Pray for one of our evangelist, he has been suffering from peptic ulcers for some years. Now doctors suggest a surgery to treat this. Please pray that surgery may bring relief.
5. Please pray for the budget which has been prepared for the forthcoming financial year. Our team leaders and staff met to pray and discuss our vision to continue to SIGNIFICANTLY expand the mission work further and further in new areas. Please pray that our Lord will provide all our needs so that more workers will be sent for harvesting souls.

(A great suggestion for Churches: use one prayer point each Sunday morning.)

indian family smFocus on families women and children:

1. At two field locations some 200 people were involved with seminars focused on Christian family life. This is a significant topic for these first generation believers to learn that the Lordship of Christ extends to all of life.

2. Child abuse is a pernicious evil that also affects kids in villages. G.O.S.P.E.L. missionaries are taught about child protection strategies and also about violence against women. The G.O.S.P.E.L. mission field has clear policies which are explained to all evangelists and staff. Pray that all our mission churches will be places where vulnerable people would feel safe.

Focus on the challenges of teaching new believers:

3. One of the G.O.S.P.E.L. evangelists gives thanks to God for ten new families who have embraced the Gospel at Kachi village. He is requesting prayer for these new believers. This is a reason for thanksgiving, but this also brings the challenge to invest time to bring these new Christians to maturity. There’s a lot to do for all our 75 evangelists.

1. New Life in Christ

• Please join with us in praising our Almighty God. 47 new believers received the sign of water baptism in February.
• Also, thank our God for helping G.O.S.P.E.L. workers to engage with 75 individuals who are showing keen interest in the gospel.
• God has given another 150 new believers who are preparing for baptism in April.

2. The enemy may attack

Baptisms are usually quite public events in small rural villages. So, they are powerful witnesses to the community, but also potential threats. Please pray that there will not be any untoward incidents by Hindu groups to disturb the baptism programs.

3. Triumph of good over evil

On the 20th and 21st of March the Hindu festival of colours called ‘Holi’ is held. People from different places will gather for celebration of the Northern Hemisphere spring. It celebrates fertility, colour, and love, as well as the triumph of good versus evil. There is a lot of drunkenness and often violence against believers. Please pray for safety for our workers during this time.

4. Recent opposition

Please pray for anxious believers who are facing persecution in the Udaipur field in Rajasthan. Hindu village leaders are opposing the gospel spread of the Gospel. May God bless these young believers with much courage.

1. Praise be to God! One hundred and thirty "new" people were open to hear the message of Jesus Christ for the first time. They were receptive to the preaching. Pray for this seed planted, that it may take deep root.

2.Evangelists from the Shirpur mission field in Maharashtra praise God for 43 new believers who were added in the month of February. These new believers need your prayer and encouragement to grow in their faith and to become powerful witnesses for the living God.

3. One new believing couple (South Gujarat) wants their son to have a truly God honouring marriage ceremony. However, this would be the first "Christian" wedding in their village. Please pray that this wedding scheduled for this month, will go smoothly, be a joyful celebration and may be a great opportunity to share the message of salvation in the almost totally Hindu context.

4.Last week all the key leaders of the GOPSEL mission gathered for a focused time of prayer and planning to move forward according to God's leading. There are new challenges and legal hurdles such as anti-conversion law, etc. Please pray that our Lord will fulfil His plans and guidance to build His kingdom through the ministry of G.O.S.P.E.L. in India.

5. Another 500 Bibles were able to be distributed to folk who can read in the mission fields. May God be pleased to bless the reading of his Word.