A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

1. College comes to students. Our second batch of 24 missionaries are now being trained. This month they studied: God and his Word, mankind and sin, Biblical theology and the Doctrine of salvation. May God use the Diploma course to train the GOSPEL workers for effective ministry in India.

2. 60 people were added to Kingdom in May and some 23 new Christians receive the sign of baptism.

3. Please do pray for Indian Christians. In the recent election, BJP, the Hindu Nationalist party was returned to power with an increased majority. We strongly believe that our God is sovereign and has power over everything. At the same time we know that opposition to the preaching of the Gospel may be hindered and opposed. Please pray that there will not be any hindrance to gospel work in India.

4. Please pray for WATER. Most of the villages adopted for the GOSPEL work have been severely affected by the water shortage. Many people in the field face are facing a severe drinking water crisis. Kindly pray for believers and other communities to access drinking water until the monsoon rains come. (We do thank God for the many bore wells that have been drilled because of kind donations made through Compassionate Catalogue.)

India CV sm1. Please continue to pray for the COVID-19 situation. Most of India’s 1.3 billion people live in poor rural areas with no medical facilities. As a result, India does not have the medical infrastructure or resources to deal with this pandemic.

2. GOSPEL ministers in four states (Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madya Pradesh and Rajasthan), all of which have some of the highest number of infections in India. We thank our Lord for the protection He has given for all our workers and believing families.

3. Please pray for the migrant daily labourers from GOSPEL mission fields. Most of them are walking hundreds of kilometres home without proper food or money.

4. Pray for young believers who cannot get their spiritual food in isolation. Please pray that our Lord will bring an end to the virus so that GOSPEL workers can resume Sunday worship, evangelism, outreach and regular meetings.

5. GOSPEL workers and team leaders praise our Lord for the World Transform ‘Feed a Family for a Week’ emergency project, which continues to bless many believers and unbelievers in our mission field. This has been a great encouragement to all believers during the pandemic crisis.

1. The Presbyterian Theological Seminary continues to partner with us in the equipping of church planters. Please pray for the 70+ evangelists as they are being nurtured and trained to proclaim Christ fully.

2. 120 children attended a Vacation Bible School (VBS) last month in just the Udaipur cluster. Praise God for youth being receptive to hear the name of Jesus.

3. Lalita, the wife of one our GOSPEL workers, was the main speaker at a recent women’s meeting. She spoke on “The Life of Esther”. Please also pray that women would be encouraged and equipped to proclaim God’s love amongst the village women.

4. Please pray for the monsoon as it is going to start this month. While we often take harvests for granted, most of the people in our GOSPEL mission field are subsistence farmers and farm labourers. They depend on rainfall for good harvests of Corn and Rice. Food security is a major concern.

5. Chandu from the Alirajpur field praises God for the 12 new believers from his outreach village. He has asked us to uphold these new believers in our prayers to be nurtured in Christ.

6. A recent seminary graduate, Kisan will be joining as the Field Coordinator for the Saputara region. Please pray that God would give him good wisdom and guidance to be a faithful leader of the team.

7. Nattu has requested prayer for the Debar and Balwan mission fields where antichristian elements are at work. Please pray that God would change this situation to continue the ministry without any hindrance. 20 years of God’s help - partnering with 70+ tribal church planters

1. GOSPEL evangelists have been involved in the distribution of food and medicines. On behalf of many thousands of needy people, we give thanks to God for providing donors from CRCA and RCNZ. God used your generous giving to provide desperately needed items at the hour of need. We thank God for his goodness! Please continue to pray as more and more needy families are helped.

2. In the Nasik, South Gujarat ‘field’, we praise our Lord for 25 new families who came to know about Christ during the lockdown period. God is faithful! Praise his name!

3. Most of the people in the mission field are farmers and farm labourers. They depend on rainfall for a good cultivation. Rains have started, but more rains are needed to ensure an adequate harvest. Pray to the Lord with us.

4. Rural children have missed out on a whole year of education because of Covid. As well, poor rural parents force their children to work to supplement the family income. Please pray for many children who will be set back because of Covid.

This month’s theme is: GROWTH. Growing (maturing) together in faith; Growing church leaders; Growing leaders in homes; Growing in dependence on God for daily needs. 
Please pray for our growth!
1.    We give thanks to God for adding 116 new believers in our mission field. Please continue to pray for these “babes” in Christ. May they grow in love of Christ and mature in faith. 

[New believers need to belong to a new community. That’s not always possible. When they are the first in a village to believe in Jesus, there is no congregation or fellowship group formed. Slowly God opens more hearts to respond to the Gospel and a prayer cell can be formed. Then by God’s grace more come to faith. Here they grow in knowledge, enjoy fellowship and deepen their faith. Here they learn to share the message of salvation with their community.]

2.    As fellowships/congregations grow, leaders are given training so that they can know how to give wise oversight in the churches. This continues to be given. 

[25 elders from different congregations participated in this round of training. and were blessed. Our leaders, shared the word of God on the biblical role of elders in the church.]

3.    Spiritual Headship in the home has often never been considered. Parents may be illiterate; they also may have little concept of the Christian home because there has never been any modelling in their lives.

[There will be a “Family Seminar” planned in one of our districts this month.  This is a key matter for growth for our tribal people.]

4.    Most of the people in our GOSPEL mission field are subsistence farmers and farm labourers. They depend on rainfall for good cultivation. We are now waiting for the rain to start so we can plant rice in our paddy fields and maize on higher ground. These are our staple crops. If they fail, there will be a lot of hunger for us. 

[Please pray for good monsoon rains. They call on God’s name all the time for “our daily bread”. Unlike developed nations, there are no social welfare provisions to fall back on. There are no pensions. They expect sons to care for their parents in old age.]