A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

It is my joy to share in this amazing ministry with you. I am constantly reminded of the Lord's goodness to us and of our dependence on him each day for our provision as we seek to honour him in all that we do.
Over the past couple of months, I have found myself asking various people involved with Crossroads the question 'why prison ministry?' and, while the answers vary, there is a common theme - showing the love of Jesus to the prisoners. For Jack Bana in the Solomon Islands, the love of Jesus is expressed in the gospel of Jesus and, in this newsletter, Jack shares his part in bringing that gospel to all who need to hear it, both inside and outside prison walls…  Read more:  Crossroads November 2018

2018 is quickly coming to an end but the work of the church continues! We want to encourage and connect our denomination by sharing the work of church planting throughout the country. The church in focus this update is Forrestdale Gospel Community in Perth, Western Australia.  Read More

1. Thank God for the initial complete roll out of the Diploma course for evangelists. The course is taught over two years and was offered at two locations. May God bless the training that has been given to the teachers of his Word.

2. Praise God for 14 new believers (from 3 states) who professed their faith and received the sign of baptism.

3. Please pray for Somnath from Nasik field. He had planned to start new worship groups in two villages where had been a good response to the preaching. However, some village leaders are resisting those who are new believers. Pray that they will not fall away “when trouble of persecution comes because of the Word.” Matt.13:21

4. Please pray for the new CHP (Community Health Program) which are being established. CHP’s show the love of Christ and provide wonderful openings for sharing the good news about Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for the farmers who have started the cultivation of their yearly crops during the monsoon. The monsoon has just started. Most of our believers are subsistence farmers. If the monsoons fail, they will suffer. Please pray that our Lord will help them with good rain to sustain their crops so there is a sufficient harvest.

6. Praise God for as many as 80 new believers coming from different tribal backgrounds who have started attending worship services in the different mission fields last month. 

The G.O.S.P.E.L. team praises God for responses to the preaching of the Word in 2017.

• 657 new believers received baptism as a sign of God’s grace to them.
• All up, some 1250 individuals have made a credible profession of faith.
• 21 new worship groups were established and
• 50 prayer cells were started.
• we’ve offered many different teaching and discipleship programs in the villages.
• some 500 Bibles were distributed to new believers.
• Through funds from Compassionate Catalogue some 50 solar audio Bibles were distributed.

The full report can be downloaded here: GOSPEL Annual Report 2018

1. Praise God for 42 new believers from five clusters last month. Please pray for their spiritual growth as they continue to learn from the Word of God.

2. At one congregation in Gujarat, a Hindu man is refusing believers permission to passing through his land to attend Sunday worship. (This may seem trivial to us, but it means that real tension exists in communities because of the Gospel.)

3. The Monsoon rains are starting soon, please pray for a good amount of rain for cultivation, because most of our believers are farmers and monsoon rain plays a crucial role in food security.

4. Please pray for the 20 children tuition centres. A huge ministry to 600 children. Summer holidays are nearly over and classes are starting soon. Please pray for the admission of new students and smooth running.

5. Kindly pray for the ongoing training of our pastors. The Presbyterian Theological Seminary staff are teaching the diploma course at two locations right now.